
I’m Ellie. I’m a full-time artist and writer based in Arlington, Virginia. I’m also a fledgling theologian, a wife, a friend, and a person who will probably never shut up about Avatar: the Last Airbender. (Have you watched it? It’s a masterpiece of storytelling.)

I’ve been writing on the internet for over a decade, but my Substack era might be my favorite so far. This is both a place for words and a place for art, since I cannot escape either of these things no matter how hard I try. By day I’m a painter, photographer and designer (follow me on Instagram for that slice of my life), and by night I’m here, writing about the intersections of art and theology.

I’m delighted you’re here!

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exploring past, present, and future theologies of art


Artist, writer, future PhD student. Thinking about the intersection of faith and art. Poured forth to God, spent out to others.